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Google Classroom Class Code 

  1. MATH0111 Mathematics II 
    • section A : ปิดsection
    • section A1 : alincfo
    • section A2 : pcweddw
    • section B : ปิดsection
    • section C : bvyogoh
    • section D : xu3s6k4
    • section E : 7nv6ou6
  2. MATH0211 Mathematics IV
    • section A : mhmj5f7
    • section B1 : cglg6rs
    • section B2 : 73ogvmo
    • section C1 : kmwcte2
    • section C2 : oqoqp7x
  3. SCMA0012 Mathematics and Physics for Digital Technology II
    • section A : czoz4jy
  4. STAT0115 General Statistics
    • section A : gw2ip3y
  5. ITEC0300 Probability and Statistics
    • section A : lerowvd


641TimeTable MATH0110Tutorial

642 TimeTable MATH0111Lec

642TimeTable MATH0111utorial

642TimeTable MATH0211Lec

642TimeTable MATH0211Tutorial

642TimeTable SCMA0012

642TimeTable STAT0115

642TimeTable ITEC0300